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DB2 10 for z/OS Utilities for Database Administrators


This course is designed to teach you advanced topics about DB2 for z/OS utilities. It is assumed that you attended course DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV831) so that you already have basic skills about the main utilities. Recovery-oriented topics are not part of this course, so such utility functions are not presented.


  • (CV831) utilities review
  • LOAD and REBUILD INDEX performance and availability
  • Online CHECK DATA
  • REORG performance and availability
  • UNLOAD performance and availability
  • Generic utility jobs (LISTDEF and TEMPLATE)
  • Appendix: Clone tables

The course includes extensive machine exercises.


  • Use RUNSTATS to accelerate the performance of a given SQL access
  • Employ DSN1COPY, REPAIR, and DIAGNOSE for DBA tasks which are not recovery-oriented
  • Use parallel index build with the LOAD, REORG and REBUILD INDEX utilities
  • Load partitions in parallel
  • Determine the appropriate LOAD options to use while considering concurrency and performance requirements
  • Choose appropriate options with REORG and UNLOAD to achieve optimal performance and availability
  • Provide appropriate LISTDEF, TEMPLATE, and OPTIONS utility control statements for use in DB2 utilities

Prezzo di listino

2.100,00 EUR + IVA per partecipante


  • 24 ore
  • 3 giorni


You should have attended course:

  • DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV830) or DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV831), or have attained a similar level of knowledge

Erogabile on-line e on-site

Tutti i nostri corsi sono erogabili anche in modalità on-line (con formazione a distanza), oppure on-site, sempre personalizzati secondo le esigenze.

Richiesta informazioni

IBM Global Training Provider