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Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop


This course is developed for systems programmers working on an implementation of a Parallel Sysplex. It covers the details of z/OS and z/OS-related products and subsystems exploiting the Parallel Sysplex components. It is focused on the resource sharing side.


Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1: Sysplex: Overview and definitions Lab 2: Building two stand-alone systems

Day 2

  • Unit 2: Base sysplex definitions and commands
  • Unit 3: Hardware Management Console Lab 3: Building a two system base sysplex

Day 3

  • Unit 4: Base sysplex migration to Parallel Sysplex
  • Unit 5: Coupling Facility architecture
  • Lab 4: Base to Parallel Sysplex migration dynamically Lab 5: Dynamically add a third CF to sysplex

Day 4

  • Lab 6: Implementation of CF exploiters

Day 5

  • Unit 6: Sysplex operation and recovery
  • Lab recovery


  • Understand the steps to implement a basic and full Parallel Sysplex
  • Implement a basic sysplex
  • Implement a multisystem base sysplex
  • Implement the connectivity for a Parallel Sysplex
  • Implement the features and functions of a Parallel Sysplex
  • Implement the coupling facility key exploiters
  • Understand the different recovery scenarios

Prezzo di listino

3.500,00 EUR + IVA per partecipante


  • 36 ore
  • 5 giorni


Experience in the following areas is recommended:

  • Installing and testing z/OS and related products
  • HCD coding
  • PARMLIB settings

Erogabile on-line e on-site

Tutti i nostri corsi sono erogabili anche in modalità on-line (con formazione a distanza), oppure on-site, sempre personalizzati secondo le esigenze.

Richiesta informazioni

IBM Global Training Provider